Bukalapak Kurir

As a prominent e-commerce platform, Bukalapak recognized the need to amplify user engagement and prolong user interactions within its mobile application and enhance user engagement within its mobile application became a top priority. To address this, they embarked on a journey to integrated gamification into their app.


The primary objective was to improve user retention and extend the duration of user sessions by introducing gamification.


The challenge faced by Bukalapak was the need to enrich the user experience and encourage sustained interaction within the mobile application in the face of intense competition and evolving user expectations.


Developed and integrated a Flappy Bird-like HTML5 game, leveraging gamification elements to enhance user engagement. The key components of the solution include:

Store Progress and Achievements

Implementing a system to store and display users’ game progress and achievements fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Encourage Frequent User Interaction

Creating a game that is not only entertaining but also upgradable, motivating users to revisit the app to progress further.

Extend Length of User Sessions

Incorporating an engaging gameplay activity within the app will increase the time users spend exploring the platform.

Enhance User Retention

Implementing a system to store and display users’ game progress and achievements fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation.



The HTML5 game is seamlessly embedded within the Bukalapak app, providing users with easy access without the need for separate installations or downloads.

Progress Tracking and Achievement System

Meticulously tracking and prominently displaying users’ game progress, high scores, and achievements within the app, fostering friendly competition and social sharing.


The introduction of an upgrade system where users could earn in-game currency or achievements to unlock new levels, characters, and power-ups encourages users to return and explore new challenges



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Ready to experience a new way to engage your audience?

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101 Gamifikasi
Studi Kasus
Gamifikasi untuk Pemasaran
Gamifikasi untuk Pembelajaran

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