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Transforming Indonesia’s Public Schools with the Octalysis Framework

Transforming Indonesia's Public Schools with the Octalysis Framework

The Decline in Student Registration

In recent years, public schools in regions like Malang, Madura, and Bojonegoro have faced significant challenges with declining student registrations. This trend can be attributed to several factors, including restrictive regulations, a preference for private schools, and ineffective solutions implemented by the schools themselves. 

Restrictive Regulations

The online registration system (PPDB) in Indonesia, with its requirement for students to have a family card identification from the same city, is a significant barrier to student mobility. This regulation severely limits the options for students from different areas, preventing them from enrolling in schools that may better suit their educational needs. It’s a situation that urgently needs to be addressed. 

Preference for Private Schools

Over the years, private schools in Indonesia have built a reputation for providing higher quality education, better facilities, and more personalized attention to students. This perception has led many parents to prefer private schools over public ones. Private schools often offer smaller class sizes, more extracurricular activities, and a more rigorous academic curriculum, making them more attractive to parents who can afford the tuition fees. 

Ineffective Solutions

Instead of addressing the core issues that lead to declining enrollment, some public schools have resorted to short-term measures. For example, SDN Jatimulyo 4 in Malang transformed an empty first-grade classroom into an IT class, rather than seeking ways to improve its educational approach and attract new students. It’s crucial to understand that such short-term solutions fail to address the underlying problems and do not contribute to the long-term viability of the school. 

Why Gamification and the Octalysis Framework?

The Octalysis Framework, a powerful tool developed by Yu-kai Chou, holds the potential to transform public schools in Indonesia. By focusing on eight core drives that influence human motivation and behavior, this framework can create engaging and effective learning environments that appeal to both students and parents, offering a beacon of hope for the future of our public schools. 

Core Drive 1: Epic Meaning & Calling

Positioning public schools as crucial for the community’s future and emphasizing their role in solving local issues can instill a sense of purpose in both students and parents. When schools align their mission with community and global issues, they create an environment where education feels important and impactful. This sense of epic meaning and calling can attract parents who want their children to be part of something larger than themselves. 

Core Drive 2: Development & Accomplishment

Showcasing personalized learning plans and clear progression paths can highlight the school’s commitment to student development. When parents see that their children have achievable goals and receive recognition for their accomplishments, they are more likely to value the school’s educational approach. This drive for development and accomplishment can make public schools more attractive to parents who prioritize their children’s growth and success. 

Core Drive 3: Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback

Promoting student-centered learning, where students actively participate and receive regular feedback, creates a dynamic and supportive educational environment. When students feel empowered to contribute to their learning process and receive constructive feedback, they become more engaged and motivated. This type of environment appeals to parents who want their children to develop critical thinking skills and creativity. 

Core Drive 4: Ownership & Possession

Involving students and parents in decision-making processes can create a sense of ownership and belonging within the school community. When families feel that they have a stake in the school’s success, they are more likely to choose and support it. This drive for ownership and possession fosters a strong connection between the school and its community, making it a more desirable option for parents. 

Core Drive 5: Social Influence & Relatedness

Strengthening the school community through collaborative projects, extracurricular activities, and mentorship programs can enhance social connections and support networks. When students have opportunities to build relationships and work together towards common goals, they develop a sense of relatedness and belonging. This strong social influence can attract parents who value their children’s social development and well-being. 

Core Drive 6: Scarcity & Impatience

Creating urgency by highlighting limited spots in specialized programs or unique learning experiences can make these opportunities more desirable. When parents perceive that there are exclusive opportunities available at the school, they are more likely to act quickly to secure a place for their children. This drive for scarcity and impatience can increase the school’s appeal and encourage timely enrollment. 

Core Drive 7: Unpredictability & Curiosity

Introducing gamification elements, surprise challenges, and innovative teaching methods can keep students curious and excited about their education. When learning is fun and filled with unexpected discoveries, students are more likely to stay engaged and motivated. This drive for unpredictability and curiosity can make the school experience more enjoyable and attractive to both students and parents. 

Core Drive 8: Loss & Avoidance

Communicating the potential negative consequences of not attending public school, such as limited future opportunities and social isolation, can motivate parents to choose a school that proactively addresses these concerns. When parents understand the risks of missing out on quality education, they are more likely to prioritize their children’s enrollment in a school that offers a comprehensive and supportive learning environment. 

Level Up Powered by Agate

Level Up powered by Agate is uniquely positioned to bring the Octalysis Framework to life in Indonesia’s public schools. Their expertise in gamification and educational innovation, combined with their successful track record, makes them the ideal partner for schools looking to make a significant impact. 

Batique: AJT Cognitive Test with Cattle-Horn-Carroll Theory

Level Up powered by Agate transformed the AJT cognitive test into Batique, a gamified assessment tool that is not only effective but also validated. This innovative approach has made significant strides in educational assessment, providing accurate and engaging ways to measure student cognitive abilities. 

Jago Money Quest: Financial Literacy Game with PT Bank Jago

In collaboration with PT Bank Jago, Level Up powered by Agate created Jago Money Quest, a financial literacy education game aligned with the UN’s Financial Framework and Sustainable Development Goals. This project highlights their ability to develop educational tools that are both engaging and impactful, promoting financial literacy among students and professionals. 


To transform public schools into vibrant, engaging, and effective learning environments, collaboration with Level Up powered by Agate is essential. Their proven track record and innovative approach can address the challenges faced by public schools and provide students with a high-quality education that prepares them for the future. 

Level Up powered by Agate’s expertise in applying the Octalysis Framework ensures that public schools can be revitalized through meaningful education, personalized growth, engaging learning environments, community involvement, strong social connections, exclusive opportunities, innovative methods, and a focus on preventing negative outcomes. 

By collaborating with Level Up powered by Agate, public schools can harness the power of the Octalysis Framework to create meaningful, engaging, and effective educational experiences. Together, we can ensure that every child in Indonesia has access to a high-quality education that prepares them for a bright future. 

If you are interested in learning more about gamification and how it can benefit you or your organization   

Check out our gamification services page and contact us today. We are ready to help you create a gamification experience that aligns with your needs and preferences. 

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